Anyone who has ever been to the dentist knows that dental hygiene is extremely important. You know that you should brush your teeth every day. You should use floss and mouthwash regularly. It is also strongly suggested that you make sure you go to the dentist twice a year. A nicely balanced diet can be just as important. It is imperative that you don’t intake too many carbohydrates as they are the main source of plaque buildup.
The question; though, is can the plaque on your teeth cause your blood to clot. It may be possible.
Plaque is caused by the bacteria in your mouth reacting with the things you eat and creating an acid. This acid can break down the enamel of your teeth. This is usually remediated by general dental hygiene. The problem is when the plaque gets down into the roots of your gums. If you get a cut in your mouth, bite your tongue, or your gums begin to bleed, the plaque can make its way into your bloodstream. Herein lies the problem. Once the bacteria has made its way to there, it disguises itself with platelets to keep going undetected. The clumps can then cause a blood clot, among other things.
A blood clot can be a very serious situation. It can lead to heart attacks and other severe health problems. You should understand that a blood clot is not only caused by dental plaque but also cholesterol problems. Dental hygiene is still very important though.
From the information given above, it does seem that dental plaque could indeed cause your blood to clot. Be sure that along with a balanced diet, you take good care of your teeth and see your dentist regularly. Just like general personal hygiene, dental hygiene is equally as important. The goal is to keep your body in good condition for yourself, family, and loved ones.