The entire body is connected by an intricate lacing of nerves. It runs along with the veins, arteries, capillaries and lymph vessels. In the mouth, there are complicated nerve innervations that course through the different structures of the mouth to supply the soft tissues, the teeth and the bone. This intricate webbing goes through the mouth and allows us to feel cold, hot and significantly, pain.
To suppress nerve function to allow the dentist to perform various procedures, he deposits anesthetic solution. The anesthesia is deposited along the area of the nerves to block pain sensors, so the procedure can go as it should. Depending on the dosage, numbness usually ensues for about one-three hours. The anesthesia wears off, gradually, and the sensation returns normal.
Nerve Injury and Damage
Unfortunately, there are some cases when the sensation does not entirely come back or does not come back at all. It is possible that the nerves have been damaged, as a consequence of surgery and if this happens to you, be wary.
Nerve injury and damage may a be mechanical error by the dentist or a surgical consequence that cannot be avoided. It may be caused by the wrong deposition of the anesthetic solution or the direct manipulation of the nerves, causing its injury and/or damage. The nerves may also be grazed, abraded or cut due to the unfortunate anatomical position of structures. A tooth that is situated within the area of a collection of nerves is a pressing threat for nerve injury or damage. In some cases, the nerves may be looped along the curvatures of the roots and the surgical removal of the tooth causes the injury.
Anatomical positions are neither the fault of the patient or the dentist. The only choice is to avoid surgery, but when surgery is necessary, you face the music.
Following surgery, you have to lookout for the following symptoms:
- Tingling sensation on the surgical site
- Heaviness or pressure sensation on the surgical site
- Partial or complete loss of sensation on the surgical site
- Increased sensitivity
- Burning sensation
Report everything to your dentist if you think you have incurred nerve injury or damage, after a surgical procedure. Take note that while soft tissues eventually undergo repair but it takes a long time. Some cases take weeks to resolve itself, but some can span for as long as six months to a year (or even longer). Unfortunately, nerves that have been completely damaged may no longer repair itself. This means that the symptoms will be permanent and they will be for life.
There are medications that you can take to boost nerve repair. Be patient and optimistic about healing, but be prepared for the awful consequence.