It’s pretty normal to be scared of the dentist, but some people let it really get to them. You need to try not to get yourself psyched up for a visit by telling yourself it’s no big deal. When you have to go to the dentist remember they are trained professionals doing their job and they wouldn’t hurt you. Some people are okay unless it’s an invasive procedure and some people can’t even go in for a cleaning without crippling fear. Here are the top ten ways to help relax your dental terror and make it through your trip.
Have the Dentist Talk to You
If you’re nervous about the procedure then you should feel better knowing what to expect. Tell your dentist you are nervous and explain your fears. Sometimes they will be able to ease them just by letting you know what to expect. A lot of it is the fear of the unknown that causes people to be scared of the dentist.
Ask for Medication
Taking an anti-anxiety medicine before you go to the dentist can help you relax. Sometimes the dentist can prescribe the medicine for you. Sometimes the dentist will allow you to use the nitrous oxide they can provide to get through your nervousness and get the procedure over with.
Trust Your Dentist
It’s important that you find a dentist that makes you comfortable. If you don’t like the dentist you are going to then try another. Sometimes people don’t think they have options, but they always can go somewhere else if they don’t feel comfortable.
Tell the Dentist You Want to Be Able to Stop Them
Tell the dentist that you are nervous about the procedure or cleaning and make them promise you can stop it at any time. Having that kind of control over the situation is helpful and allows you to feel like you have some say in what happens.
Try Deep Breathing
Deep breathing is a relaxation technique you can use to calm your nerves. Sometimes you just need to slow down and breathe in order to realize things aren’t as bad as they may seem.
Listen to Music or something Relaxing
Taking your headphones into the dentist is perfectly okay. If you let them know having them relaxes you then they won’t be sad about missing the small talk they usually engage in with you.
Keep Your Regular Appointments
Seeing the dentist when you’re supposed to and not putting it off because you’re scared will help prevent scarier dentist situations like fillings and root canals. Tell yourself when you are going in for your appointment, you’re doing it to save some seriously scarier occurrences from happening to you.
Distract Yourself
Thinking about something else while you’re in the dentist chair can be helpful. You can think about your grocery list, try to write a song, or solve math problems in your head. Whatever you decide to do make sure it distracts you from what’s going on and it will be over before you know it.
Give Yourself a Pep Talk
While it may seem silly talking yourself into going can actually help you get ready. There’s a lot to be said about changing your mind set and talking yourself into going is the best way to do that.
Bring Someone with You
If you have super anxiety then you might want to bring someone with you to the dentist to help ease your fears. Sometimes just having someone you trust sit with you can help you feel better.